What's the latest around the Table?

My photo
Gun Barrel City, Tx
I'm a Mom of many and Nana of Isella Rose, Luisa Kaye,and Sophia Grace Gapastione in California, Luciana Mary and now ROCCO in Chicago and Logan & Lily here in Texas!I am currently fostering 3 little ones ages 5, 6 and 7, I guess you could say I am a very busy woman!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!

Look at my sweet Henry...adore this kiddo!!
Meet MAX, he's our new guy....we're excited!!
He's 10 and has been dreaming about a family for years!!

Spent the day with our LOGAN, our sweet Valentine!

Got his lion and giraffe and doing his growl noise!!

Lovin his bulldozer

Greg is 'GaGa' over this boy!!

"Grampy, He-Haw, He-Haw" Logan says!
Hope everyone had an exciting, awesome
Valentines Day!! We sure DID!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

CRAAAAZY Weather!!

Going to worship service-it was 78*
Chris got his Letter jacket-pretty proud!

Within 5 days-2 days of school OUT cause of Ice
and another SNOW day--got 9" on Friday 2/4/11

Got a new friend next door, his name is Kyle and he is
12 and Chris is getting a workout making him feel welcomed!!