What's the latest around the Table?

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Gun Barrel City, Tx
I'm a Mom of many and Nana of Isella Rose, Luisa Kaye,and Sophia Grace Gapastione in California, Luciana Mary and now ROCCO in Chicago and Logan & Lily here in Texas!I am currently fostering 3 little ones ages 5, 6 and 7, I guess you could say I am a very busy woman!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


OH....yea....summer is here...but not officially! I have 11 more days of school, the heat is on for those final essays, quizzes and FINALS---UGH! I have a lot more compassion for the kiddos with their school work. YIKES, it's hard to try and juggle house, kids and school work! I am getting excited but oh so trying to stay focused, so I can keep all the A"s I have.

Since the last blog, we watched Lindsay get pinned for her Occupational Therapy program, it was a great time, and then we celebrated with a pig roast at her friend's house. Little Logan is not so little anymore...He is going to be a big boy, such a happy kid! He's 4 months old already! We also survived another Prom. Greg and the boys have been fishing warriors, the lake is filled with HUGE catfish! WEll, now our freezer is filled! It's hard to believe that it's May already. It's almost time to turn on the air conditioning----Ugh again...We sure don't like those electric bills. We've had so much rain down here the humidity is taking over! We hope everyone is having a great spring and we are looking forward to our ZITKO family reunion in Alabama the weekend of June 25th thru 28th. We will be celebrating Greg's 50th!