What's the latest around the Table?

My photo
Gun Barrel City, Tx
I'm a Mom of many and Nana of Isella Rose, Luisa Kaye,and Sophia Grace Gapastione in California, Luciana Mary and now ROCCO in Chicago and Logan & Lily here in Texas!I am currently fostering 3 little ones ages 5, 6 and 7, I guess you could say I am a very busy woman!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Polar Express here in TEXAS!

Lindsay came up with the MOST awesome idea
to start the Holiday season with riding the Polar
Express-she rented Bailey's Bunkhouse that slept
12 people, it was decorated as if you stepped back in the
1920's with all the antiques and great quilts on
all the beds!

Waiting at the Train Depot-in Palestine Tx about
an hour from our house. The Official Railroad of Texas
is truly a "Texas Treasure"

Listening to the Train Whistle, it was coming our way!

The excitment was overwhelming, here it comes!!

This historic railroad offers both steam and diesel
excursions that travel through the scenic piney
woods and hardwood creek bottoms of East Texas.
There the sounds of hissing steam and squeaking metal
was the POLAR EXPRESS! It was so cool, a conductor
stood at the opened door of a car and other staff waited
to help us on board! The train was filled with other children
all in their pajamas and nitegowns. We heard lots of singing
and we ate candied treats and were served HOT chocolate
that was thick and rich as candy bars. Outside, the lights
of towns and villages flickered in the distance as the Polar
Express traveled northward!

It seemed to go faster and faster thur towns, along
rolling over peaks and thru valleys like a car on a
roller coaster! That was when we heard the conductor
say "there HE is ....do you see Santa?" The train stopped!
We heard Jingle Bells, we saw several elves outside of
the window singing, dancing and waving to us!
Then all of a sudden the train started moving again!!
People on the train started singing Christmas carols!!
Logan was taking in everything.....OH WOW....There's
Santa coming down the aisle and handing out Bells!!

All the Staff and of corse SANTA was awesome!!
So the beginning of Christmas 2010 has begun.....

Friday, November 26, 2010

Love, Laughter and Food is worth giving Thanks for!!

Seriously I don't know how professional photographers
take group pictures!!
It's been awhile since we all have been together!!
It was a BLAST!!

The hardest part of taking pictures was to get the
boys to STOP standing on their tip toes......

Stormy is 21 now and Tasha just turned 19

Stormy Lynn and her boyfriend Chris

Tasha and Johnny have been together for 5 years!

The Zitko 3

McLaughlin Boys and the Zitko's

Is it time for dessert yet??

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Memories of Uncle Bob Chambers

My Uncle Bob Chambers
My sweet Aunt Gail & Uncle Bob lived in Venice
California where we always had a blast on the beach
because Uncle Bob was a LIFEGUARD, and he introduced
us to the OCEAN.....

Bob & Gail celebrated almost 40 years together!

Enjoying family after a day at the beach, my grandparents
Dan & Jo Goodwin, My mother Dawne Goodwin, myself
with Tony and Chris at Gail & Bob's house on Venice beach
in 1987.
Tony spent many Thanksgivings with Uncle Bob
and Aunt Gail in San Pedro during his single years!

Here in 2004, Uncle Bob took us down to the oceanside
to tell a History Lesson to all the Zitko kids=FUN!

After a day at the beach shopping at the boardwalk
at Venice Beach, Uncle Bob and Stormy have fun with the
beach towel he got for her!!

One of the favorite memories for the kids has
always been the tour of the LIFEGUARD Headquarters
down at the beach.....Uncle Bob always spoiled the kids when
we would visit them!!

Uncle Bob & Aunt Gail usually treated us to his
favorite Chinese restaurant....
It will be very strange and ODD indeed the next time we
visit our relatives in California. Now is the time to encourage and
LOVE on my AUNT Gail....
Thanks for the Memories Uncle BOB..... RIP

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fun October......

Brando is #5....Panthers had a rough season!!
Logan got his cowboy boots in May and finally we
we got them on him....

YAY Grampy....I love my "cow boots" as Logan calls them!

Hanging in the shop with Grampy with his cow boots on!!

2 days in a row, horrible storms-tornados, so we took off
and went to Lowes, taking silly pictures, we some crazy people!

Grampy makes the BEST Ribs......YUM

Awwww....always willing to share!!

So Granma Gin sent us our hats from Russia,
it was Halloween, I am ready for winter.....hahaha

Is this the cutest Dragon you've ever seen?

I had too much fun grabbing his tail!!