What's the latest around the Table?

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Gun Barrel City, Tx
I'm a Mom of many and Nana of Isella Rose, Luisa Kaye,and Sophia Grace Gapastione in California, Luciana Mary and now ROCCO in Chicago and Logan & Lily here in Texas!I am currently fostering 3 little ones ages 5, 6 and 7, I guess you could say I am a very busy woman!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fridays are FUN days with Logan!

STRAWS are cool...
and I can get good stuff thru them....

nothing like a sweet Texas Tea!

Let's play football!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Varoooom.....says Logan!!

Little Logan turns 21 months Sept 15th
Fridays are our LOGAN time days!!

Brando, put some air in the tire....our new wheels!!
No Greg, it's NOT for hunting!! LOL
